Board Director Candidate Profile Form


Thank you for your interest in serving on the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

In order to assist our Governance Committee in the nomination process:

  • Please answer the following questions and submit them to the Chamber office by August 8, 2024. 
  • Please send a copy of your resume if applicable and/or an updated LinkedIn profile
  • Note that the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce has limited space available on the board and directors are selected according to the expertise required to fulfill its strategic plan.
Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Please upload a photo of yourself here to be added to your nomination.

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What interests you most about sitting on the Board of Directors for the Chamber? Why do you wish to serve?

What do you think you can contribute as a Board Director?

How many hours per month (meetings, events, and additional committee support) can you commit to the Chamber?

List other volunteer positions held or other organizations with which you have been involved.

What would you like to see accomplished during your term in office?

Please indicate which committee work is of interest to you.

Advocacy/Policy Committee – Drives economic growth through addressing issues that affect businesses and by developing business attraction initiatives. This committee will also address matters of Policy.
Event Task Groups (Golf, Awards, etc) – Drives strong enterprises through organizing networking opportunities, providing venues to promote businesses, and conducting educational events that bring value to members.
Membership Value Committee – Drives strong enterprises through membership recognition programs and events including Business and Employee of the Month and Annual Business Achievement Awards.

Please read the attached Director's Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference and indicate here that you are willing to work with the Board of Directors within these guidelines.


Upload your signature and the date here.

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